When you can’t come to the library, or prefer to work remotely, there are many ways we can provide you with help and services!
Librarian Consultations
Need in-depth research, or just have a quick question? Contact us by chat, email or phone!
Chat Reference Ask Us! – chat online with a Witt librarian Monday through Friday from 8am-5pm EDT, other times by appointment - email or call us to set up an appointment.
Make an Appointment with a librarian using our online booking system.
Call us at: 937-327-7511, if we don't answer, please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as we can (Please note, we may call you from a non-Wittenberg phone number).
Email Witt librarians: librarians@zhenrenqi.com
Online Materials and Tools
Books Online:
- Credo Online Reference This is a great resource for reference materials.
- The best way to find ebooks is in our online catalog. Do a search just like you normally would, then click the “Modify Search” button near the top. Change the drop-down from “Any Material Type” to “Ebooks” and click the big red “Search” button.
- The OhioLINK Electronic Book Center is another way to find quality ebooks.
- Other sources of electronic books.
Articles & Research Databases:
A searchable list of all of our databases. You have full access to these databases from off-campus with your last name and library barcode.
- Search our list of Journals the Library Has to see if we have access to a journal that you need.
Films and Music:
- Films on Demand Streaming access to a an array of films, videos, and documentaries on a variety of topics.
- NAXOS Music Library Source for streaming classical music.
Logging in to Library Resources from Off-Campus
When accessing the library's subscription resources like Academic Search Complete, JSTOR and other databases from off-campus, you will be prompted to log in with your last name and your library barcode. It is very important that you access these subscription databases from the Library’s website while off campus. If you simply type in a URL (for example jstor.org) you will not have full access to these subscription resources.
There are two places you can look to find your library barcode number:
- On the back of your Witt ID. It's a 14 digit number that begins with 251 in tiny scrunched up numbers under the barcode.
- Log into Self Service and look for the tab that says "User Options", then click on "User Profile". You will see a barcode with your library barcode number underneath.
Please email librarians@zhenrenqi.com if you have trouble accessing library resources from off-campus.
Interlibrary Loan for Journal Articles
If you cannot get the full text of an article from one of our subscription databases, you can place an interlibrary loan (ILL) request. Most ILL article requests can be filled electronically, so you only need to go as far as your email inbox to retrieve important research articles. Article ILL Request Form
Access Your Library Account
You can access your library account via our catalog and keep track of what books you have checked out and what you have requested. You will need your name and barcode number to log in.
Returning Materials
The library has a book drop to the left of the main entrance.