Howard Choy, Ph.D.

Howard ChoyAssociate Professor of Languages

Hollenbeck 226
(937) 327-6125

Howard Y. F. Choy, Associate Professor at Wittenberg University, received his Ph.D. in comparative literature and humanities from the University of Colorado. His research interests cover modern and contemporary Chinese culture and literature. He is the chief editor of the forthcoming Brill series Hong Kong Culture and Literature and African and Asian Anthropocene: Studies in the Environmental Humanities, co-editor of the Routledge Companion to Yan Lianke (2022) and Liu Zaifu: Selected Critical Essays (2021), editor of Discourses of Disease: Writing Illness, the Mind and Body in Modern China (2016), author of Remapping the Past: Fictions of History in Deng's China, 1979-1997 (2008), and assistant author of The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Confucianism (2005). He has also published many articles and translations in major scholarly journals, including positions, American Journal of Chinese Studies, and Asian Theatre Journal. Dr. Choy has also taught at Stanford University, the Georgia Institute of Technology, and Hong Kong Baptist University.

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